Grace Iwuozo - Owner of EasyShoppers_ng
Grace Iwuozo - Owner of EasyShoppers_ng

Despite her busy schedule; EasyShoppers_ng owner, Grace Iwuozo was willing to speak to BareneDaily about how errands she used to run for free became a foodstuff delivery service.

Grace, a graduate of Wesley University, Ondo State revealed she never saw her actions as a business opportunity until she realized she needed an extra source of income. She went ahead and made it a side hustle which has now become a growing business.

Read the interesting interview below:

Barenedaily –  Thank you for coming out to help inspire the next generation:  Thank you too. I am pleased for the opportunity to do this.

Kindly tell our readers who you are: My name is Grace Iwuozo and i run a food stuff delivery service in Lagos called EasyShoppers_ng. I graduated from Wesley University, Ondo state, Nigeria. I currently work with Corporate Bestie. Easyshoppers_ng is a side hustle. We supply all kinds of food items like tomatoes, pepper, onions, oil, soup and stew ingredients, vegetables, fruits, grains, tubers, meat, poultry foods. Basically, farm products.

What prompted you to start EasyShopper_ng?: I get to hear this question every time. -Smiles-
During my National Youth Service Corps, I discovered that some staff at my place of work get food stuff at high prices and some did not even have time to buy food stuff so I volunteered to help them. ( I didn’t even know that it is a business/ some people do that to earn a living). Initially, my aim was just to help people at my place of work at no cost. I kept doing that until one night, I was thinking of how to make an extra income then it dawned on me that I could run a foodstuff delivery service. I wanted to relieve people of the stress of going to the market as well as get food items at affordable prices. That was what birthed EasyShoppers_ng.

A great discovery i must say: Yes it was a wonderful discovery for me.

How rewarding has it been?: It has been very rewarding. You know that joy that comes when you are able to provide families with food especially during this pandemic. There is no greater joy than seeing your client happy and satisfied with your service(s).

Is there anyway the covid 19 pandemic has affected your business, either positively or negatively?: Not really. It’s just that the prices of some food items have been increased.

Has that affected your sales?: No. It hasn’t. Despite the hike in prices. Clients still appreciate the fact that the quantity and quality they get from us is better that what they get elsewhere.

What is your long-term Vision?: To create job opportunities for many through our business.

What would you say is the most exciting thing about this business?: -laughs- I’ve gotten to know different names of foods, veggies, fruits and where to get them. It has really helped me to do lots of research and broaden my horizon in my business. I have also met so many good clients.

How old is EasyShoppers_ng and how is it fairing?: We are 8 months old. We have over 30 clients and presently we have about 8 staff. The business has been thriving as we get credible clients through referrals.

What would you say to someone interested in this kind of start-up?: Always be consistent in all you do and keep pushing forward

Why should people patronise you‎?: Our services are the best you can ever get here in Lagos. We supply fresh foodstuff at affordable prices.

What’s the most difficult thing about your job?: There is no “most difficult ” thing. We learn, unlearn and relearn . So when you know better about something, it wouldn’t seem difficult the next time you try it.

You have a 9-5 job and you also have this hustle by the side. How do you cope with the challenges that come with managing both?: The major challenge I had when I first started was conveying food items to different locations in Lagos but it is now a thing of the past. Our deliveries are swift and efficient now.

Is there any food item that is usually difficult for you to get?: NO. That is why we are easy shoppers. -smiles-

I like how you said that. I hope you find time to relax?: Yes i do, i watch movies.

Thank you Grace for finding the time to do this with us: I appreciate the privilege. Thank you for having me.

There you have it. Please tell us in the comment area if you have been motivated by our guest today. Also, remember to share this. Who knows someone on your timeline might need this boost.

By BareneDaily

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